Recognize The Importance Of Having New Year's Resolutions
Ilustrasi (Polina Kovaleva / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Approaching the new year, people usually have a habit of writing resolutions. The contents are free according to what you want to achieve next year, for example traveling around Indonesia, owning a house in a certain area, having a side job, learning a new language, learning to cook, exercising regularly, having a healthier lifestyle, getting up early, spending more time with friends and family, focus on mental health, and so on.

Indeed, making this resolution is not mandatory. However, there is nothing wrong with having a resolution for next year, because there are many benefits that you can get for your own good. For example the following:

Have a goal to be achieved

Often you feel lost and confused and don't know what to do. Well, this resolution can make you have clear goals and want to be achieved throughout the next year. For example, you want to live a healthy lifestyle. So slowly, you can continue to improve a healthy lifestyle.

The first month, for example, starting from going to bed early and getting up early, the next month exercising regularly every day, then reducing eating sweet foods, and continuing to increase until you feel healthier.

Determining life priorities

When you have a resolution, that's the priority in life throughout the next year. For example, you have decided to live a healthier life with the details as above. Then you can start to dare to refuse invitations from friends to play until late at night because you have to get up early and exercise.

Another example, you want to start repaying the house next year. So you have to be able to resist the temptation of over-eating, shopping for unimportant items, and inviting friends to hangout in fancy places.

Make life more focused

By having a resolution, unconsciously life becomes more focused. You know what you want to achieve, you know what you can and can't do if it has an impact on achievement. So, your life will be much more meaningful because you have a handle to live a better life and strive to achieve it.

As an encouragement

Running a resolution is sometimes not that easy. For example, when you want to save money to buy a car, there is a temptation to buy things that you are too fond of not to buy, eventually saving again. When you want to focus on losing weight, there are times when you are tempted by a friend's invitation to eat dessert at your favorite cafe. Of course you can be more flexible, but always remember the resolutions you have made to encourage you.

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