Kaleidoscope 2021: Besides Cooking, These 5 Hobbies Are Getting More Popular During A Pandemic
Illustration of the most popular hobbies during the pandemic (Unsplash/Polina Rytova)

JAKARTA – This year's pandemic is still ongoing. The handling of preventing the spread of worsening is carried out, such as the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) which will be carried out in mid-2021. The community has responded to the implementation of this rule by being obedient and spending time at home pursuing hobbies.

Activating a hobby, according to various studies can distract pressure, relieve stress, and even earn extra income. In the second year of the pandemic, people are getting richer in their creations, such as in the following hobbies.

1. Caring for plants

Caring for plants is a fun hobby. Quoting Xinhuanet, Thursday, December 30, a shop owner selling plant seeds in Australia said that during the pandemic there was an increase in buyers. This indicates that many people are in the hobby of gardening and caring for plants.

2. Reading books

Reading books, as technology advances, not only physically but also digitally. Starting from reading through smartphones, to special devices for reading, this is a hobby for many people this year.

3. Baking

Social media is a channel for how trending baking activity is during the pandemic. Starting from experiments by looking at trusted recipes from famous chefs, even baking with minimalist ingredients, to showing off creations to selling baking products is still rampant to this day.

4. Cycling

Cycling is not only a sport activity, but also culinary tasting and concurrently a photography hobby when you stop by beautiful destinations. Cycling cannot only be seen as one aspect, because it is intertwined with fashion, tourism, and the pleasure of spending healthy time in open spaces during a pandemic.

5. Taking care of a new pet

Caring for or adopting a pet is an interesting hobby. The reason is, taking time for pets every day, such as cats, dogs, sugar gliders, birds, fish, and so on, can reduce stress.

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