JAKARTA – Sunflower is a plant that is easy to grow as long as it is exposed to sunlight. This flower plant has the botanical name Helianthus spp. which usually grows to a height of more than 1 meter.

There are various types of sunflower varieties that can be seen at a glance at the color of the flowers. Such as orange, red, purple, white, and even black.

Blooming during summer

Reported by Garden Design, Tuesday, December 28, sunflowers bloom during the summer and into autumn. Summer in the northern hemisphere occurs in June-September. While in the south, it occurs in December-March.

Types of sunflowers

Based on the shape of the flower crown, there are 5 different types. First, sunflowers with large sizes and edible seeds are known as sunflower seeds. Most of these varieties grow tall stems that need to be taken care of so they don't break in the wind.

Second, the dwarf sunflower each stem will bloom several flowers. The petals are single but some are double colored with the pollen in the middle. This second type, commonly used and cut for ornamental flowers.

Third, the type of sunflower with double petals or known by the botanical name Helianthus hybrid. The texture of the flowers is soft and smooth, the flowers last longer than single petals, especially for cut flowers.

Fourth, the type of Helianthus salisfolius which is a clump plant with smaller flower sizes and short branched stems. Fifth, the botanical name Helianthus annus, but the color combination is beautiful. The last type of sunflower variety is a combination of dark red, white, and bright yellow.

Need lots of sun and space

Not only are the flowers at first glance like the sun, but this flower plant requires a lot of sunlight to grow well. To bloom properly, sunflower plants need to be spaced from one another. If they are too close together, the flower will not bloom optimally and even interfere with flowering.

Uniquely, sunflowers have heliotropism behavior, reported MentalFloss. The flower buds will face east in the morning and follow the motion of the sun. As they get older, the flowers will bloom large so they are stiffer and only face towards the rising sun.

For medicine in Mexico

In Mexico, the flowers are considered to relieve chest pain. A number of Native American tribes also agreed that the sunflower plant could cure several ailments. Such as chest pain and lung problems.

anatomi bunga matahari
Illustration of sunflower anatomy (Pexels/Kelly L)
Once planted on the International Space Station

In 2012, United States astronaut Don Pettit brought some sunflower seeds to the International Space Station. Pettit regularly sends photos of the development of seed from seed to flowering in the gardening process.

Sunflowers have a philosophy, apart from the benefits and uniqueness of their growth following the direction of the sun's motion. This plant is also actually in a sunflower head composed of smaller flowers. The visible petals are called ray florets and these parts are not able to reproduce.

But the part of the disc floret in the middle, where the seeds develop and have both white stamens and then produce individual seeds. This plant can also self-pollinate or collect pollen that is blown by the wind or carried by insects.

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