JAKARTA - Sunan Kalijaga met with Faisal, Vanessa Angel's mother-in-law, to straighten out the problems she shared with Doddy Sudrajat. The meeting was initiated by Marissya Icha, a friend of the late Vanessa Angel at Faisal's residence who also sparked the idea of raising funds for Gala's house.

Aunt Andriansyah's father Faisal said that Sunan had come to offer an apology directly. "Yes, Alhamdulillah, yesterday I met you, only for an hour," said Faisal when met in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 27.

"He apologized to me for any mistakes he might have prompted because there might have been whispers that didn't match what really happened," he continued.

When asked for further information about what was discussed, Faisal briefly told about the press conference with Doddy that caused a stir. "There is a story he told. I feel he has a big soul, a lawyer we deserve to respect. He has a mature attitude, a big soul. I'm sorry, for me he is a big soul. He is a good person," said Faisal.

Not wanting to discuss further about his besan's behavior, Faisal said on that occasion, Faisal and Sunan also discussed about psychological conditions to the future of the Gala Sky.

"Yesterday, most of us talked about the future of Gala. This means that there is no psychological burden on the future of Gala. That was yesterday. There is no mediation plan for Mr. Sunan to meet Mr. Doddy. Let's just talk about Gala," said Vanessa Angel's mother-in-law.

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