JAKARTA - Wenny Ariani was seen visiting the South Jakarta Metro Police on Thursday, December 23. In this process, Wenny's son was named as a reporting witness and asked about Rezky.

"Asked whether Kekey has ever met, he said he has never. Then he was asked if Kekey wanted to meet, he said yes," said Ferry Aswan, as Wenny Ariani's lawyer quoting KH Infotainment.

"Earlier the question was about that, did Kekey know the reported party, did the reported person ever give anything, he answered yes, he was indeed given a piano as a gift," said Ferry, again.

Wenny also had time to leave the examination process because he felt sad about the condition of the child. “At first I was accompanied but had time to leave because I couldn't bear it. It's not until such a small child comes to an institution like this," said Wenny.

Hearing that his son really wanted to meet Rezky, Wenny continued to fight for his son's right to be recognized as Rezky's son. The son also revealed that he wanted to have a father like other children.

The inspection process only takes place once so that later the next call will be given to Rezky Aditya.

"For (the examination of) Wenny Ariani's child, I think that is enough. In the future, if there are additional witnesses, yes, additional witnesses or direct summons to the reported party, the police will definitely update it later," said Ferry.

It is known that Wenny reported Rezky Aditya for alleged child neglect. Wenny also prepared some evidence but from the start, Rezky was reluctant to answer about the case.

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