JAKARTA - Amalia Fujiawati shared her gratitude through social media after the appeal against her two children as the children of Bambang Pamungkas was granted.

The Jakarta High Religious Court issued a decision stating that Amalia's two children are the legitimate children of the defendant, Bambang Pamungkas. He uploaded the contents of the decision issued on November 24, 2021.

This decision contains three points that grant Amalia as the plaintiff. Its contents are as follows:1. Granted the Plaintiff's claim in its entirety; 2. Stating that 2 (two) children, each named Raneysha Ayu Anjani born on February 24, 2019 and Muhammad Al Barra born on June 10, 2021, are legal children of the Plaintiff and the Defendant; 3. Stated that the children named Raneysha Ayu Anjani and Muhammad Al Barra had a legal relationship with the Defendant.

"Thank you, the Religious High Court for granting our appeal as fairly as possible. The decision has been in place since November 24, 2021 and has been submitted to the South Jakarta PA a long time ago but how come until now the South Jakarta PA has not given the intended decision? What's wrong with the South Jakarta PA? " said Amalia in Instagram Story.

Amalia also thanked her two lawyers, Ali Nurdin and Wati Trisnawati. The struggle for the status of the children born from the serial marriages bears fruit.

"Together with a team of lawyers from Ali Nurdin Office Lawyer who has helped a lot so far, we are fighting, may Allah repay all of his kindness with abundant rewards and blessings. Amen," said Amalia.

Previously, Amalia Fujiawati asked Bambang Pamungkas to support the two children from their serial marriage. Amalia also once explained that she got a promise so she agreed to marry the former footballer.

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