JAKARTA – A person with a perfectionist personality trait is often associated with high stress levels. It's not wrong, because perfectionism in the aspect of personality is closely related to trying to be perfect.

Mistakes are things that most perfectionists avoid. Even people with this trait have unrealistic standards. An overly critical attitude, both to oneself and to others, makes perfectionists feel depressed.

According to psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Grant Hilary Brenner, MD, as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, December 20, perfectionists can be negative and pessimistic by nature. Perfectionism, often stems from negative childhood experiences where this trait tends to develop as a reaction to feeling out of control. Briefly, Brenner describes a list of signs of people with perfectionist personality traits, as follows.

1. Assuming others are incompetent

If you often feel that other people are incompetent, requiring you to work twice as hard as others, then you may have got the perfect thing. This can make other people feel pressured and intimidated, you know. Because perfection that is not realistic to be realized can give birth to the seeds of hatred from the work team.

2. Others say you are anxious

Other people see you're anxious, but you don't feel it. Feeling anxious and not feeling good enough can be exhausting for other people. Anxiety that you don't feel can be felt by other people, and it turns out that anxiety is contagious and makes other people uncomfortable.

3. Too often give criticism

Perfectionists don't realize that the frustration of being perfect makes your partner see it as an attack, through constant criticism. This may not be realized, but it's important to accept feedback as a reflection material so that people around you don't slowly drift away or ignore your anxiety.

4. Looks unhappy

The sign of a perfectionist can be reflected in the attitude of the people around him. Sometimes, according to Brenner, perfectionism may be a way to cover up depression. Everything looks precise, precise, perfect, and neat, but behind that there is a face that describes unhappiness.

5. Others never feel good enough

Other people have to show perfect performance in front of people with perfectionist personalities. For perfectionists, instead of paying attention to the needs of others and enjoying the time spent together, they are preoccupied with trying to fix things and causing burnout.

6. Hurts others but doesn't notice

Perfectionists try to control the outcome of things, not relationships or processes. On the other hand, perfectionists and other people often have different priorities and motivations. Two colliding viewpoints can hurt others, but for the perfectionist it's not a big deal or even noticing it.

7. Less flexible

In a relationship, the signs of a perfectionist will be clearly visible. If you find it difficult to share your feelings or thoughts with others, it could be a sign that you have a perfectionist personality trait. Especially when it looks stiff and inflexible in relationships with other people.

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