JAKARTA - Reza Artamevia is again active in singing. Reza has just finished holding a concert titled "Hoping Not Fat" at the Embassy, South Jakarta on December 15, 2021. In the concert which Aaliyah Massaid, Vina Panduwinata and DJ Nesya will also celebrate, he will perform around 14 of his popular songs.

The title of the concert is quite unique because it comes from his personal experience. He said that at first he had refused to hold a concert because he felt his body was too fat. However, he is trying to achieve a proportional body weight.

"I had refused to go to a concert in December, because at that time (in November) I still felt big (weight). I didn't expect much, I didn't want to be burdened. Alhamdulillah, after one month, I feel like I'm re-shaping," said Reza, quoted as saying from ANTARA, Thursday, December 16.

"Maybe you can't say it's thin, but I want it to be proportional. If there is still fat but it's normal," added the woman who once weighed 73.4 kg.

Reza is committed to preparing himself even more carefully when he will hold a show or concert in the future.

"We must have a spirit of service. I must be able to please people. Moreover, concerts, people want to spend time, money, energy to see me, it's an extraordinary award. I will prepare more carefully," he said.

Reza Artamevia said it was important for a singer to have a spirit of service, pleasing the hearts of those who were willing to attend his performance. Whenever asked to sing, he would try to do it wholeheartedly even if it wasn't paid for.

"Whenever I am asked to sing, even if I am not paid for it, but I'm willing to sing, I will definitely sing with all my heart," said Reza Artamevia.

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