JAKARTA – Having a garden at home is a shame if its fertility is not maintained. The reason is, the soil at dawn is usually easier to plant various types of plants, including ornamental plants and fruiting plants. To maintain the fertility of the soil around the house, there are a number of factors that need to be considered.

First, soil types are generally distinguished by the size of the soil particles. Such as sand which is classified as large particles, silt (medium particles), and clay (very small particles). The type of soil affects drainage and nutrient availability. Both contribute greatly to the fertility of growing plants.

Both mineral content and organic matter. Minerals that fertilize the soil include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other micro and macro elements. Meanwhile, organic matter is related to the decomposed remains of soil organisms and plants. Organic matter makes up only a small part of the soil, or about 5-10 percent, but is essential for binding air and maintaining moisture.

Third, soil organisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, earthworms, mites, and springtails. These organisms are important for plant growth because they can help convert soil organic matter and minerals into vitamins, hormones, disease-fighting compounds and nutrients that plants need to grow.

Fourth, healthy air or about 25 percent of the air helps microbes and soil life to live. Air in the soil is also an important source of nitrogen used by plants.

cara menyuburkan tanah di kebun
Illustration of how to fertilize the soil with natural ingredients (Unsplash/CDC)

Fifth, water with the amount of 25 percent can be said to be fertile soil. Water and air can circulate in porous soil. The larger the particle, the faster it dries as in sandy soil. Whereas in soil with small pores, through the capillary process, water tends to stagnate and kill soil organisms and make plant roots rot easily.

Of the five factors above, there are things that can be done to maintain soil fertility. Here's a list of things you can do to keep plants thriving in the garden around your house.

1. Set the ideal soil particle combination

Plants can thrive if they live in ideal soil, such as having a combination of large and small pore spaces. That is, ensure the composition of organic matter, large particle soil, and small and medium particle soil. This is beneficial in regulating balanced drainage.

Clay, in order to have the right particle composition and allow plants to thrive, can be added with larger soil particles such as sand in a balanced combination. Also add sawdust so that the pH is maintained. As for barren soils such as sandy soil, mix it with various other particle compositions, for example with sawdust, and soil with medium particles.

2. Add lime powder on high pH soil

For soils that are too acidic, you can lower the pH level by adding lime powder and the acidity level will decrease for several months. Adding wood powder is an attempt to increase the pH. For best results, add 1.5 kilograms of sawdust in the rainy season every 1 square meter.

3. Add soil nutrients from organic waste

Soil nutrients can be obtained by sorting organic waste at home. Like chicken egg shells, which contain good calcium to bind nitrogen and phosphorus. In addition, by sprinkling eggshells on the soil can help increase the pH of the soil. In addition, leftover coffee grounds, banana peels, peanut peels, orange peels, leftover tea leaves, fruit and vegetable peels can also be useful to fertilize the soil.

4. Routinely loosened and given the remnants of organic waste

Loosening regularly is a way to circulate air over the soil. When the soil starts to become dense and mossy, loosen it and add nutrients from the organic waste.

You can also dig 35 centimeters of soil and add the remaining kitchen ingredients except oil, milk, bread, and rice because they can attract rats. Then cover with soil and leave for 8-12 weeks to decompose the remaining organic matter.

5. Give nutrition with artificial organic fertilizer

There are so many nutritional fertilizers that contain micro and macro nutrients. Micro elements include nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium. Artificial organic fertilizers are processed more modernly so that they are easy to use. Usually, artificial organic fertilizer is given by spreading it around the plants.

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