JAKARTA - Clara Bernadeth has only been married a month. After living independently with her husband, it turns out that she feels a lot of changes

"Before getting married, I'm curious, I like to ask my friends how is life after marriage? And it turns out that every parent has the same concern for their child after marriage," Clara said when met in South Jakarta, Monday, December 14.

Clara gave an example when she spent more time with her husband, parents or in-laws, how come they never get together again. Since separating and living with her husband, Clara Bernadeth finds a big dilemma with her parents. Although not very possessive, her parents always asked for Clara's time to spend with her family.

"When I'm having fun with my husband (them) it's like, 'how come you rarely see mom and dad? How come you rarely go home to play? When do we have time to eat again, talk again, family time?' " said Clara.

In fact, Clara Bernadeth felt that she had to live independently with her new family. However, on the other hand, he also doesn't want to be seen as a disobedient child who forgets his own family. Apparently this story is similar to the film When to Move Home, which he starred in.

"It's a dilemma, I have a new family that I'm taking care of, I'm building. So, those dilemmas did happen," said Clara Bernadeth. When will Moving House air on KlikFilm starting December 17th.

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