JAKARTA – Feelings of love in a romantic relationship need to be accompanied by respect so that it does not become a toxic relationship. By having respect, someone will not do physical violence, be bad, disrespect, even hurt verbally.

A partner who respects each other is the key to a healthy and lasting relationship. Here are signs of a partner's attitude that is based on respect.

1. Be a good listener

According to Thomas Gagliano, a social worker and author of The Problem Was Me, listening to what you have to say, appreciating, and understanding each topic of conversation is done to validate a relationship. Reported by Fatherly, healthy couples know that respecting each other can help minimize conflict instead of being destructive.

2. Tell the truth

The truth can be uncomfortable at times, but a partner who respects each other is a partner who isn't afraid to tell the truth. According to Walfish, honesty in a relationship is the basic thing that makes a person feel safe.

3. Carry out its role wisely

As a man who respects you, will know your most vulnerable moments and play his role wisely. Gagliano says, in some situations, one partner can give more and expect less. Every situation is not a 50/50 deal, added Gagliano. As long as they are reliable and responsible for their respective roles, it can be a sign of a healthy relationship.

4. Debate fairly

Every couple will definitely have an argument or a difference of opinion. This is natural, but a good partner will treat you with respect even when they are angry. This means he doesn't say harsh words, doesn't use physical violence, but rather listens and understands your point of view and vice versa.

5. Not obsessed with being a 'winner'

When partners respect each other, they can accept mistakes in order to maintain a healthy balance. According to Gagliano, successful couples know how to argue in a healthy manner without obsessing over being the 'winner' or feeling like they're in the right. A partner who respects you will find that closeness means more about finding solutions to problems.

6. Give room to grow

Supporting and being involved in the development of positive aspects is very important for couples. Does your partner give you space for social networking, hobbies, or self-improvement? If so, it means that your partner respects you as a whole.

7. Respect physical boundaries

Someone who loves you and respects your physical boundaries makes you feel comfortable and safe. Reported by Bustle, couples who know physical boundaries will not physically hurt, such as hitting or forcing sexual activity without consent.

Does your partner respect you? No matter how simple the attitude is as long as it is based on respect, it will contribute to building a healthy romantic relationship.

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