JAKARTA – The pleasure of snacking on fried foods or tasting the latest pizza dish turns out to have an effect on the face. Especially for those of you who are sensitive to simple carbohydrate foods and cholesterol content, it is necessary to limit the consumption of these foods because they can trigger acne.

Food, does not directly contribute to causing acne. However, bad habits such as frequently holding your face and not regularly cleaning your face can be the direct cause of acne growing on your face. To stay in control and not eat carelessly, especially for those of you who have oily skin, avoid consuming the following foods.

Sweet food

White sugar consumed in the form of sugary drinks or sweet foods is rich in refined carbohydrates. The content will be more quickly absorbed and flowed throughout the body. Reported by Skin Kraft Laboratory, high insulin levels also encourage excess sugar which can eventually lead to acne.

Dairy products

A study showed that consumption of low-fat milk led to an increase in acne. The mechanism of action is not clear, but if acne develops after consuming dairy products, it means that you need to reconsider reducing it.


Chocolate on the one hand can help increase the happy hormone. But on the other hand, it was proven in a study that men who consumed 100 percent unsweetened feet experienced an increase in acne.

Oily food

Fried foods or fatty foods can cause pimples to swell. It can even trigger the growth of new acne if not controlled in consuming it.

Simple carb food

Simple carbohydrates are found in flour, which is low in fiber. For example in bread, pasta, cereals, and noodles. These foods increase the high glycemic index, insulin triggers active androgen hormones and cell growth and production of more sebum.

Fast food

A study reported by Healthine, linked foods high in calories, fat, and refined carbohydrates with the risk of acne. The study, involving 5,000 Chinese teenagers and young adults, found that a high-fat diet led to a 43 percent increase in acne breakouts.

Another study involving 2,300 Turkish men found that frequent eating of burgers or sausages was associated with a 24 percent increased risk of developing acne. Some researchers have linked fast food to influencing gene expression and altering hormone levels by promoting the development of acne.

Foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids

Eating lots of foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids, promotes imbalance in the body and causes inflammation. Foods with fatty acids that trigger acne are corn and soybean oil. While omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation in fish and walnuts.

In addition to the 7 types of food above, it is important to measure the body's sensitivity to certain foods. Because, every condition of the body will react differently to the content in food. With an elimination diet, for example, you can limit the consumption of certain types of foods that trigger an acne reaction on the face.

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