JAKARTA - Usually children have difficulty eating vegetables and fruits. Though protein and fiber are needed by the body. Actress Maudy Koesnaedi shared her story in introducing and familiarizing her teenage son to eat vegetables and fruit.

"Having teenage children is challenging. But, because my child can eat a variety of foods, maybe because his mother also likes to eat, so the child can eat anything. We are at home, his habit is eating breakfast in various colors and shapes, " said Maudy as quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, December 8.

"So, my son is used to eating fruit in the morning. I also like to eat fresh vegetables, and finally he also likes processed vegetables such as salads and in Indonesian dishes," he added.

Furthermore, Maudy said that children's awareness to know the importance of eating vegetables and fruit starts from parents. According to the star of the film "Losmen Bu Broto" (2021), parents as providers of children's food play a major role in increasing awareness of balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

"If parents can serve healthy and delicious food, it makes children not forced (to eat vegetables and fruit). It can also take children to cozy places and choose healthy foods," said Maudy.

"Not all slang places have food that is high in calories, sugar and fat. Look for a menu that contains healthy food. It should also be remembered that (awareness) is a process, there can't be sudden awareness to want to exercise and eat healthy (directly). ," he added.

The role of Zaenab in the legendary show "Si Doel" said that it is okay for parents to let their children taste contemporary food and drinks with their peers.

"It's okay to try it so he knows what it tastes like. But, it's important for him to also know the levels, for example sugar, etc. However, I'm lucky because he can make his own menu. For example, want to make salads, share desserts... Those habits can be seen from their parents," he explained.

Maudy again reminded parents to familiarize their children with healthy eating and to introduce and jointly implement a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

"Introducing a healthy lifestyle with exercise, balanced eating, it must be accustomed from an early age. This campaign is prioritized for the younger generation, so we must help," said Maudy.

"The communication is how to make these young people aware of the importance of healthy living, we as parents need to provide awareness at home, thoughts also for caregivers at home to regulate what kind of food menu," added Maudy Koesnaedi.

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