JAKARTA - Carrying out various roles in everyday life in the midst of the dramatic changes that have occurred due to the pandemic certainly makes anyone feel overwhelmed. A study from UN Women even revealed that 57 percent of women experienced increased stress and anxiety, as the burden of taking care of the family and household chores, as well as economic problems during the pandemic increased. Plus if you are also a working mother.

Navigating your career and family life may make your life feel like a headwind. Stress can paralyze anyone, but it's also an unavoidable part of life. To manage stress that has the potential to make work and life at home a mess, there are separate ways you can do.

Try doing the following things to relieve stress and ensure that you get back on track.

Allow yourself more flexibility

Who doesn't want to have a perfect day? You can go about your morning routine without rushing around preparing this and that, a smooth and productive workday without distractions, followed by enjoying a quiet evening with your family or a list of waiting television series.

But sadly, an ideal day that goes your way is often just a dream. In reality, life provides so many surprises and the only way you can do that is to equip yourself with the ability to remain flexible about things you have no control over.

Prioritize yourself

When you have a myriad of to-do lists that must be completed in one day, you inevitably have to be clever in setting priorities. Always put yourself first. It can be by not checking gadgets when you wake up in the morning, exercising, doing favorite things, and preparing yourself to get through the day. This is important, because if you don't stick to a self-care routine, it can be very easy to feel like you're losing your identity when your role shifts.

Maintain your identity by learning to say "no". You can start by learning to speak when the work you are given doesn't suit you, when you don't have enough knowledge to contribute, or when you're doing too much work at one time.

Build a reliable team

Hone your leadership spirit by building trusting relationships with your teammates at work or with your family, your support system at home. If you're overwhelmed, don't be shy about admitting it and asking for help. When you talk about an issue openly, you can not only gain the trust of your teammates, but also have a big impact on the dynamics of your relationship with the team.

Always remember: you are only one person, but there is so much work you can do in a day. If you can improve the situation by only 1 percent at a time, it will certainly make progress in the days ahead and keep you from the various burdens that can overwhelm you at times.

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