JAKARTA – In the early hours of this morning, Monday, November 29, the son of the late Ustad Arifin Ilham, Ameer Azzikra, died at the age of 20. The news was shared by the brother of the late Ameer Azzikra, Alvin Faiz through his social media.

Before he died, Ameer struggled through a critical period of 12 hours due to an infection in the liver. Learn from Ameer Azzikra, to find out the causes and symptoms of liver infection, here's the full explanation.

Causes of infection and liver disease

There are various problems that are commonly experienced by people with liver disease. The causes also vary, but as reported by the NHS, Monday, November 29, there are 5 factors that cause liver problems.

Drink alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic drinks that are consumed too often in uncontrolled amounts can cause liver problems. Because the liver has an important role in regulating most chemical levels in the blood and fighting foreign substances with bile.

Heart covered in fat

Being overweight is also one of the factors that cause liver disease. Accumulation of fat can trigger a decrease in liver work optimally.


Infections of the liver, usually caused by viruses. Based on the category, it is divided into three, namely Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. In Hepatitis A, the food consumed is not sterile so that it is contaminated with feces. Usually Hepatitis A, reported by WebMD, will resolve on its own within 6 months or cause no long-term harm.

Hepatitis B, acquired due to transmission from other people. Such as through unprotected sex or using drugs with shared needles. If it lasts more than 6 months, it makes a person with Hepatitis B develop liver cancer and other diseases. While Hepatitis C comes from infected blood that enters the blood of people who have it.


Apart from being caused by external factors, genetic conditions are also a factor in experiencing liver disease. As it is medically called hemochromatosis, it is caused by genetic factors that are passed down the family line from parents to their children.

Primary biliary cirrhosis

In a person with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), their immune system mistakenly attacks the bile ducts. Where bile serves to help digest fats and remove waste products from the body. Bile fluid exits the liver through small tubes called bile ducts.

The cause of liver infection due to PBC is not clear, but it is thought to be due to an incorrect combination of how the immune system works.

In addition to knowing the factors that cause liver problems, here are the general symptoms experienced.

Symptoms of liver disease

Liver disease is diagnosed by a doctor by performing a number of tests. These include liver biopsy tests, liver function tests, ultrasounds, computed tomography (CT) scans, and MRIs. Common symptoms of liver disease, reported by Johns Hopkins Medicine, include the following:

The skin and eyes are more yellow in color, so it is often called jaundice. Dark urine. Feel itchy. Cold body. Sensitive skin, easy to hurt and bleed. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The development of varicose veins in the esophagus. Vomiting blood without pain. Black, mushy, or bloody stools. Infrequent urination. Dizzy. Anemia. Excessive thirst.

Identifying the symptoms is necessary, but to confirm the symptoms and get the most appropriate treatment, it is advisable to see a doctor.

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