Collaboration Between Hanung Bramantyo And Jeihan Angga Presents Just Mom
Just Mom cast (screenshot)

JAKARTA - Hanung Bramantyo is the producer for the latest family-themed film, Just Mom. He took Jeihan Angga who previously directed the film Mecca I'm Coming as the director of this film.

Just Mom tells the story of a mother named Siti (Christine Hakim) who is in her old age. Her two children are married and busy with work.

One day, Siti meets a pregnant ODGJ (People Inside Mental Disorder) named Murni (Ayushita). Pure is cared for by Siti wholeheartedly while accompanying Siti's lonely life.

Just Mom Producer, Director and Cast (screenshot)

A short teaser released on Friday, November 26, shows the figure of Siti sitting alone. She didn't want her children to worry about her current situation.

The Just Mom story was developed from the book Ibu, The Lost Prayer by Bagas Dwi Bawono. The touching plot makes Hanung want to make this film a personal work.

“This film is my personal reflection. Because my mother lives in Yogyakarta. This film is an expression of my guilt towards my mother. I want this film to be a collective feeling for mothers,” said Hanung Bramantyo at a virtual press conference on Friday, November 26.

Worked during the pandemic, the Dapur Film production house required some adjustments, including moving the setting from Magelang and Borobudur to Klaten and Prambanan.

Christine Hakim as the main character admitted that she did not need an excessive process to become Siti's character.

“I'm grateful that I don't have to start from scratch to build chemistry. Mas Hanung, Mas Jeihan is very open to suggestions,” explained Christine Hakim.

Besides Christine Hakim and Ayushita, Just Mom is played by Ge Pamungkas, Niken Anjani, Toran Waibro, and Dea Panendra. Just Mom will be shown in Indonesian cinemas starting January 20, 2022.

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