JAKARTA - Does your skin look dull and dull? In fact, maintaining glowing and not dull skin is not always easy. There are several reasons that can make the skin look duller.

Dull skin occurs when the skin is constantly shedding dead cells, but the process doesn't work efficiently, resulting in a less bright, tired, and unhealthy looking skin that allows wrinkles and other signs of aging to appear.


Dehydration occurs when you don't drink enough water, causing a decrease in the volume of blood flow to the skin, making the skin look duller and unhealthy. In a 2015 study published in Dovepress, quoted Thursday, November 25, found a strong relationship between drinking enough water and skin health.

According to Janet Prystowsky, MD, Ph.D., a board-certified dermatologist in New York, not drinking enough water while failing to continuously hydrate the skin can cause signs of skin damage, such as fine lines, to appear. sagging skin, wrinkles and scales.

Drinking enough water (as recommended) coupled with the use of hydrating skin care products can help bind moisture to the top layer of the skin, thus preventing dull skin.

Does not exfoliate the skin

You may have (or often have) missed one of the most important skin care steps: exfoliating your skin. The skin naturally sheds dead cells on a regular basis to make way for new cells. But sometimes dead cells don't shed as they should, which can actually build up on the skin's surface.

This can then cause the skin to become dry, dull, and scaly. In other words, exfoliating your skin regularly is one of the important steps to help you get smoother, more radiant, healthy, and not dull skin.

You can use a physical exfoliator, such as a face scrub, or a chemical exfoliator, such as an AHA/BHA, to exfoliate your skin.

Use one type of exfoliator at a time. Using more than one type of exfoliator can increase the risk of skin irritation.

Lack of moisture

Dry skin is the most common cause of dull facial skin. This is because, according to a dermatologist in New York City, Kenneth Howe, MD, skin that lacks moisture can create cracks on the skin's surface, allowing dead skin cells to accumulate, making skin dull and lackluster.

Therefore, use a moisturizer in the morning and evening to keep the skin moist. Look for a moisturizer with ingredients that moisturize the skin well, such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

Apply moisturizer in an upward motion to increase blood circulation and stimulate cells, as well as increase the flow of oxygen to the skin's surface, making skin look radiant and healthy.

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