JAKARTA - Tubagus Joddy is a figure sought by the public today. After the death of Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah, Joddy was named as the party responsible for the incident.

Not wanting to run away from trouble, Joddy's family spoke up about this incident. Joddy's father, Tubagus Endang Kesmana and the RT where Joddy lives, Rahmat Halim, spoke directly.

"I, the parents of Tubagus JOddy, express my deepest condolences for the death of Mbak Vanessa Angel and Mas Aunt Ardiansyah. For the negligence, the fault of our child, we apologize profusely to the family for the negligence of our child. We sincerely apologize to the people of Indonesia. for this incident," he said.

He hopes this incident will be a shared lesson, especially for vehicle drivers. Joddy's legal proceedings are currently under investigation.

"Sad. Because I know what Joddy (the person) is like. According to parents it would be good but it's up to what people think. Joddy was educated well from childhood, there were no problems," said his father quoting Paragram on Monday, November 15.

Endang knew that Joddy worked with Vanessa and on several occasions, Joddy always said that Vanessa and Bibi were good people.

"When I asked the story, he (Joddy) said he was a good person. He is comfortable there. Go home once a month or even two months. It means that he enjoys working with Ms. Vanessa," explained Endang.

The father also apologized to the neighbors and Mr. RT because he was often busy with public and media crowds. They know that this incident is a disaster but the RT is also trying to establish good relations.

“From a young age, I was taught to be a responsible child. So Jodi accepted the wisdom behind this news. Be honest in giving information because it makes it easier for us to deal with the authorities," the father said to Joddy.

“I ask for Joddy's help because he is still young. Pray for the strength of his parents because after all this is trauma," said Rahmat Halim.

Meanwhile, Tubagus Joddy is still a suspect in the single accident that killed Vanessa and Bibi.

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