SOLO - The film Losmen Bu Broto held a series of premieres in Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Solo. The plan is for the Losmen Bu Broto film to be shown simultaneously in all cinemas in Indonesia on November 18, 2021.

The players at Losmen Bu Broto, namely Maudy Koesnaedi and Mathias Muchus, Maudy Ayunda, Putri Marino, Baskara Mahendra and Erick Estrada enthusiastically underwent a series of gala premieres. Especially since the pandemic, the promotion of films outside the city of Jakarta has only been done this once.

The actor who played Bu Broto in the film Losmen Bu Broto, Maudy Koesnaedi admitted that he was nervous because Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was watching it, and the Deputy Mayor of Solo, Teguh Prakosa.

"I'm really excited, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X came, especially when he gave a welcome full of expectations and requirements for the audience. I and Mr. (Mathias Muchus) have seen 'ouch' but the father said 'safe ma'am, what has been said is already there in our film. The same thing happened to me in Solo, when Mr. Teguh Prakosa gave a speech," he said, Sunday, November 14.

The representative from Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Teguh Prakosa, said he was proud after watching the film Losmen Bu Broto.

"I think this exceeds my expectations, Mrs. Broto, what we saw in the 1980s and now. I think this should be watched by all Indonesians, how to appreciate Indonesian products. And we represent the people of Solo Raya, the hope is the film All of this can be watched and this becomes our daily lesson. I don't think it's the second one. Watch this one first, so that everyone will know the characters in this film, so later the audience will ask for a second film to be made," he said.

Mathias Muchus said he was happy with the appreciation given. "I would like to thank Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and the Deputy Mayor of Solo, Teguh Prakosa who took the time to watch the film Losmen Bu Broto in Yogyakarta and Solo," he said.

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