JAKARTA - After the death of Vanessa Angel and Bibi, many friends of artists and entrepreneurs claim to be ready to become foster parents and even adopt Gala Sky Ardiansyah. Vanessa's only son is now back in Jakarta, in the arms of his grandfather, H Faisal.

For parenting, Faisal ensures that Gala will be cared for by Bibi's family. "Surely, maybe we will take care of it. Gala will stay with us, where we live, he will come," he said.

Bibi's sister, Fadly, is grateful that she often visits Vanessa's house so that she is close to Gala. "I'm close because every day I go to Aunt and Vaness's house. So I meet up and call, Ai Ai," he said.

Until now, Gala still often asks about the whereabouts of Vanessa Angel and Bibi. "Yes, the name of a child is that he must mention his parents, but we just ignore it. What can we do, according to the passage of time, God willing, we will be able to accept it, we will give input according to the development of his age so that he can accept the reality," he hoped.

So far, three people have expressed their willingness to take care of Gala, namely Jennifer Jill, Shandy Purnamasari, and Delta Hesti. Regarding the number of people who declared themselves ready to adopt the Gala, Faisal was grateful.

"I'm grateful if someone adopts it, it's a good friend of Aunt and Vanessa Angel. It must be accepted broadly as a goodwill. As far as we are able, as far as we can, we will take care of it. But we will ask for their input to take care of Gala," he explained.

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