For lovers of flowers and the world of plants, must already know the purslane flower, right? Actually, this flower has often appeared in various yards and yards. The beautiful colors of purslane flowers also often steal the show. However, beautiful and charming flowers are often considered as wild plants.

In order to thrive and be beautiful, this is the right way to plant purslane flowers.

How to Start Planting Purslane Flowers

Plant the purslane flower seeds in loose soil or humus and not too wet. Purslane flowers tend to be difficult to live in soil that is too dense and difficult to irrigate. For laying the seeds, spread them with a distance of about 10-15 cm and do not need to be too deep so that they can be exposed to sunlight. Next, place the pot in an area that is exposed to intense sunlight.

Regular Watering

Although purslane flowers are quite drought tolerant, remember to water them regularly in the first few weeks from seeding. In addition, because the roots of purslane flowers are relatively short, extra care is needed at first. Water purslane flowers regularly between 3-5 days.

After the purslane flower seeds begin to grow, watering can be reduced to avoid rotting of the roots. Don't worry, just remember the character of this flower plant is classified as drought resistant. If it has grown successfully, spray with enough water for daily maintenance.

Minimal Fertilization

Purslane flowers are unique because they do not need extra fertilizer to thrive. In fact, some experts suggest reducing fertilizer application because it can inhibit the growth of purslane flowers. So, ideally this charming flower is only given a little fertilizer at the roots with organic fertilizer granules.

Keep the Area Separate

Well, because of the nature of its short roots, purslane flowers will not be able to compete with other flowers or plants. If you want purslane flower cultivation to be successful, avoid planting in the same area as other flowers. Also clean the planting media area of wild plants or weeds so that the nutrient absorption of purslane flowers is more perfect.

Use Separate Pots or Boxes

Purslane flowers are ideal for cultivation in special pots or containers. Thus, the depth of the soil can be adjusted and the results of growth can be maximized with beautiful flowers. Either with hanging pots, wall pots, or ordinary pots, purslane flowers can look very beautiful and create a beautiful home garden atmosphere instantly.

Don't forget to keep an eye on the growth of the purslane flower carefully! If needed, spray insecticide and make sure there are no weeds growing, and free from bacterial and fungal attacks. Hopefully this article can help you to have purslane flowers that grow beautifully, yes!

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