JAKARTA - Indah Kalalo shared a motorcycle accident that her husband, Justin Werner, experienced. The incident happened in Bali a few months ago. Indah then did not give further news about her husband's condition, until news emerged of her husband's death.

"I'm actually annoyed, my husband was reported to have died on YouTube. There is a channel that edits photos of my late mother when she was buried, replaced with my husband's face. The content just wants to get likes and views by spreading fake news," said Indah when she met in the Kuningan area. , South Jakarta some time ago.

Indah chose silence rather than making the news more noisy. Moreover, she concentrates on her husband's recovery. The accident was quite severe because it caused several broken bones in Justin's face.

"My husband wears a helmet but a half helmet, so if I can give you a suggestion if you use a helmet on a motorbike, I also ride a motorbike now in Bali, then I change all my helmets to full face ones. Because if the half helmet is the handlebar. I think my husband got hit by the handlebars, so his facial bones were badly hit," he explained.

To heal the wound, her husband underwent plastic surgery twice in Australia. Indah could not accompany her because her visit visa had expired. Moreover, the accident occurred during PPKM where access to travel to Australia was limited.

"So his face has returned, but his speech is not normal. There is still a healing process. But I can't go to Australia because my tourist visa has expired," he explained.

Even so, what happened to her husband did not traumatize her or forbid family members to ride motorcycles. In fact, Indah Kalalo admitted that he still often rides a motorbike, of course, with greater care and increased security than before.

"Yes, our name is also an accident, right, but life still goes on, and in Bali there is traffic jam. We just need to be careful with the kids. The trauma is that I immediately changed to a full-face helmet, and I'll tell my friends. , yes, the main family must all wear helmets if they can be full face. Just be careful when driving at night, "concluded Indah Kalalo.

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