JAKARTA - East Java Regional Police Traffic Director, Police Sr. Comr. Latif Usman, stated that the Instagram story uploaded by Vanessa Angel's car driver, Tubagus Muhammad Joddy Prames Setya (Joddy), was used as an investigation into the accident case.

"We will collect the information as a material for investigation questions," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, November 6.

Joddy was in the public spotlight after driving the car that Vanessa Angel and her family were carrying while playing a viral cellphone on social media.

Before the accident, the late Vanessa Angel driver uploaded an instastory showing a video of him driving the artist's car with his family on KM 555 towards Surabaya.

In the instastory, Joddy drove the vehicle at a high speed of over 100 kilometers per hour. Not long after, at KM 672 there was an accident.

The incident caused Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri “Aunt” Ardiansyah, to die at the scene. Kombes Latif said that Joddy's investigation process would prioritize the presumption of innocence.

All evidence will be collected to ascertain the exact cause of the single accident. "The important thing is that the investigation process must follow the procedure. You can't just assume and suddenly suspect someone," said the middle police officer.

Currently, the police are focusing first on the recovery of the driver while accompanying and supervising.

"We also provide motivation. His soul must be calm first, then we will do an examination," he said.

The investigation into the accident incident on the KM 672 Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road will be investigated by the Jombang Police, assisted by the Traffic Directorate of the East Java Police.

"We have also dispatched a team from Ditlantas. We will assist with the crime scene in such a way that the process remains at the Jombang Police," said Kombes Latif.

As previously reported, the white car with the police number B-1284-BJU carrying Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri Ardiansyah, had a single accident on the Jombang-Mojokerto toll road KM 672 300/A, Thursday (4/11) at 12:36 WIB.

It is suspected that the accident occurred due to driver fatigue. The car, which was suspected to be speeding, then swerved to the left and hit a concrete road divider, sending the car flying as far as 30 meters.

From this incident, two people were declared dead, namely Vanessa Angel and her husband. Meanwhile, three other victims survived and suffered injuries, namely the driver, household assistant, and GS (Vanessa Angel's son).

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