JAKARTA - Nirina Zubir and Ernest Cokelat share the loss of Vanessa Angel and Bibi. They turned out to live in the same complex. No wonder Nirina was so sad that she cried and was at a loss for words.

When she heard the news that Vanessa and Bibi had died, Nirina even admitted that she didn't believe it at first. During the funeral, Nirina tells about Vanessa's life as her neighbor.

"Her children often play in front of the house. They are both good people. They share the sadness and pain that their family feels," said Nirina.

Nirina Zubir revealed that he initially heard the news of the death of Vanessa Angel and her colleague's husband. "I was at a press conference and I was told, 'Did you know that Vanessa Angel died in an accident, with her husband, and her child too.' I just thought it was time," said Nirina Zubir.

Then Nirina Zubir confirmed it by asking where the information came from. He was surprised to find out the truth after searching from a credible source. "Surprised, because we are also in the same complex. Then Ernest told me too, because he came from the family directly from ring one, so he just believed," he said.

Nirina Zubir then recalled that Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah were an exciting couple. He also made sure both of them were good people.

"Hopefully it will be cleared, get the best place, Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah are good people. Hopefully their family will be given fortitude. We are just neighbors in shock and really shocked. Imagine the family," concluded Nirina.

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