JAKARTA - Death knows no age. Some die at an old age and some die at a young age, often death at a young age takes people by surprise. Like the death of young soap opera actress Hanna Kirana on November 2 due to heart failure.

Starting acting as an extra from 2018, Hanna is very diligent in trying. He also plays in the series for streaming.

Her name has just been raised thanks to her role in replacing Lea Ciarachel in the Mega Series Suara Hati Istri. In this soap opera, Hanna replaces Lea Ciarachel as the new character of Zahra.

Besides Hanna, the following 4 celebrities also died at a young age, who are they?

1. Nike ArdilaNika Ardilla died in a car accident at a young age. This Bandung native girl died before she was even 20 years old. The singer died at the peak of his career. Even though he has long passed away, Nike fans are still loyal to visit the tomb to pray for him.

2. Sukma Ayu Sukma Ayu is like Hanna, who is a soap opera actor. He was famous when he was willing to shave his hair in the soap opera Kecil Kecil Jadi Manten.

Suka's death caused a stir because Nani Wijaya's daughter suddenly fell unconscious and fell into a coma for several months. There are several parties who say Sukma died due to malpractice.

3. Irene Justine This soap opera actor Ganteng-Ganteng Serigala had a heart attack while filming a quiz program on television. At the time of shooting, he suddenly fell unconscious and was declared dead on May 26, 2016.

Irene's parents did not believe this fact because her daughter was only 2 years old and had no history of heart disease.

4. Mike Mohede Mike Mohede died of a heart attack on July 31, 2016. This Indonesian Idol drop-out singer surprised netizens because previously he was still on several shows. Like Hanna Karina, Mike died of heart failure despite having no previous history of heart disease.

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