JAKARTA - Plastic operations are often considered an instant solution to get a more attractive appearance. However, for an influencer from China, totaling Han, excessive beauty procedures have had a bad impact that now has to be faced for life.

In a live broadcast, the 26-year-old expressed regret after doing too much plastic surgery, especially on her nose. Maria Han, known for her content on social media, once had a dream to get a more perfect face.

In his pursuit of beauty standards, he underwent various plastic surgery procedures from a young age. One of the biggest operations carried out was to shrink his nose to make it look sharper and slimmer.

However, his decision to shrink the nose turned out to be a big mistake. How come he reveals that he removes too much of the alase, which is the 'wing' part of the nose that functions to keep the nostrils open and provide structure. As a result, the nose becomes so small that it has difficulty breathing.

"Since that operation, I can't breathe normally. I have to manually stretch my hole in order to take a deep breath," he said in a live broadcast that caught the attention of many of his followers, quoted from the 8days page.

In addition to experiencing respiratory problems,tips also feel that his face now looks unnatural. Over time, he began to realize that changes in his face did not always provide better results.

"I feel like I've done almost as many plastic surgery as Michael Jackson. If you hope the results look natural, to be honest, it's not realistic," said God willing.

He also admitted that the more procedures he had, the more difficult it would be to get a harmonious face. The plastic operation that was originally carried out to improve his appearance, actually made him feel uncomfortable with himself.

Setelah mengalami berbagai masalah akibat operasi plastik,menakhirnya memutuskan untuk berhenti melakukan prosedur beauty lebih lanjut. Ia mengyesali keputusan-deputan yang dilakukan di masa lalu dan menyadari bahwa ketidaktanya telah merusak wajahnya.

"People have to pay the price for their mistakes. I am grateful that at least I was able to recover my face so far." he said.

Now,men are trying to accept himself and focus on his health and recovery in his face. He also hopes that his story can be a lesson for others to be more careful in making decisions related to plastic surgery.

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