It takes a strong shared commitment to achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE). According to the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Electricity Society (MKI), Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, ST., MBA., IPU., all parties involved in the electricity industry in the country must have the same vision and mission in achieving goals. The application of New and Renewable Energy (EBT) must be escorted towards the NZE in 2060.


The State Electricity Company (PLN) as the main actor in producing electricity in the country still uses fossil energy (coal and oil) for its PLTD (Diesel Power Plant) and PLTU (Steam Power Plant). The use of fossil energy, especially coal, is not without reason. Economically, coal energy is still the cheapest when compared to NRE plants. PLTS is one of the EBT generators, said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, the price is 20 to 30 cents US Dollar/KWH. Compare this with PLTU, which is only 4 to 6 cents US Dollars/KWH.

Economically it looks profitable, but in the long term carbon emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels also threaten the sustainability of the earth. This condition has been realized by most of the nations in the world that produced the Paris Agreement or known as the Paris Agreement. Indonesia is one of the countries that signed this agreement.

The agreement, as quoted from Wikipedia, guides countries to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to limit global warming to "just below 2.0 degrees Celsius". This agreement was negotiated by 196 at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, France.

PLN is taking concrete steps towards NZE in 2060 by retiring its PLTU early. Therefore, there must be a transition to using NRE. “One of them will be the retirement of several PLTUs (steam power plants) that are already inefficient, these which are over 20 or 30 years old. So it is very feasible to replace it with an EBT generator," said Wiluyo. "This is one of the MKI's efforts to encourage stakeholders to participate actively together towards NZE 2060," he added.

This effort towards NZE cannot be underestimated, because Wiluyo said this must be guarded together. "Indeed, we cannot immediately turn off the existing PLTU, so there is a transition. The point is that in 2060 there will be no more power plants that emit carbon. Let's oversee this transition process and be able to make NZE a success in 2060," he said.

All parties must realize that global warming is our common problem. “This is a serious issue and we must deal with it together. Because the increase in the temperature of our earth is already quite alarming, global warming and the greenhouse effect can drown some of the land. Earth and our children and grandchildren are threatened. Our joint task is to build NRE and NZE for the safety of the nation, state and future generations," said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto. This is the conversation with Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos and Rifai from VOI which took place at the PLN Central Building, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta recently.

Saat ini kata Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, Ketua Umum MKI penerapan EBT baru 13 persen. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Currently, said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, Chairman of the MKI, the application of EBT is only 13 percent. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

In your opinion, what is the use of NRE for electricity in Indonesia, compared to the use of fossil energy? What is the percentage of the share of NRE nationally now?

The Indonesian government has set a directive that Net Zero Emission must be achieved in 2060. This is a milestone in the history of all components of the nation engaged in the development of electricity infrastructure must lead in the same direction, in accordance with the goals set by the government. MKI always encourages PLN to develop electricity infrastructure in the NRE sector.

Currently, the percentage of our NRE mix in the electricity sector is 13 percent, the rest still uses energy from fossils. The MKI is very grateful for the 2021-2030 RUPTL (Electricity Supply Business Plan), which is set by the government for 51 percent of the construction of power plants in the form of EBT plants, the rest using fossil power. However, this is not a new power plant, specifically for the PPA which was signed about 3-5 years ago.

Are all parties; the government, the private sector and the community already have the same understanding about the importance of EBT, EBT is not an option but a future that must be done in producing electricity?

Yes, the EBT generator must be carried out, it is not an alternative to reach NZE in 2060. I think everyone is in agreement that we must use EBT in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to reach NZE in 2060.

Currently Indonesia is still in the transition period from fossil energy to NRE, has the government done the maximum?

MKI encourages PLN to have a roadmap towards NZE to oversee the current transition. And I heard that PLN already has it. One of them will be early retirement of several power plants that are no longer efficient, these are those that are over 20 or 30 years old. So this is very feasible to be replaced with EBT generators. This is one of MKI's efforts to encourage stakeholders to participate actively together towards NZE 2060.

Which PLTU will be retired?

There are several PLTUs that are being monitored and will be evaluated by PLN and the relevant Ministries. Later, after being retired, it will be replaced with an EBT generator. I don't know exactly which PLTU will be retired earlier, but this is a necessity. In the next 10 years, hopefully there will be a number of steam power plants that can be retired and replaced with EBT generators.

Potensi energi panas bumi di Indonesia amat besar, namun kata Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, Ketua Umum MKI baru sedikit yang dimanfaatkan. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
The potential of geothermal energy in Indonesia is very large, but said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, Chairman of the MKI, only a few have been used. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The construction of the EBT plant requires large funds. What is the government doing to help, such as facilitating permits, granting credit or other regulations that can make it easier?

The government together with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of SOEs, PLN, are looking for a financing mechanism to assist the construction of EBT power plants. Whether to invite investors from outside, along with the retirement of a number of steam power plants. Friends at PLN are also reviewing the PLTU that will be retired. The construction of the new power plant, whether by auction or direct appointment, is being studied for this energy transition scheme.

PLN itself has published the Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) for 2021-2030 as a Green RUPTL, how do you see this?

I also heard that PLN already has a green transformation program. The mistake is to replace some of the coal from the power plant with biomass or waste such as rice husks and garbage. There are already 35 PLTU owned by PLN that have been converted from coal to biomass. Finally, we changed the waste in the Gandong TPA, Cilegon, into solid jumputan fuel (BBJP) which was sent to PLU Suralaya, Cilegon to replace coal. Until now the amount is only 5 percent of the total fuel demand.

In the context of Indonesia, which of the EBT sources (water, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass) has the most potential and can become a mainstay in the context of NZE?

Fossil-fueled power plants include baseload ones, generators that must be turned on for 24 hours (nostop). The most suitable to replace the PLTU are hydroelectric and geothermal power plants. Like PLTU, geothermal power plants must also be turned on for 24 hours. The potential of geothermal power plants in Indonesia is very large, the second largest in the world, around 29 gigawatts. What has been developed is only 3 gigawatts, so it's still a long way off.

For hydropower, the greatest potential is outside Java, such as Kalimantan and Sumatra, while the largest energy demand is in Java, how do you see this?

PLN is building Pamstorage in Java with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts, this is quite large. But still under construction. Hopefully, other geothermal power plants, such as those in Ijen (Banyuwangi) and Dieng (Central Java), will operate soon and can replace the existing PLTU in Java.

Solar power generation is also a potential source of energy, only the challenge is when there is weather (clouds). When the sun's rays are blocked, it requires a battery as a baseload. Currently the price of this battery is still expensive. The price for PLTS plus batteries can be 20 to 30 cents US Dollars/KWH, this is still expensive compared to PLTU which is only 4 to 6 cents US Dollars/KWH. There is a considerable distance and this will affect PLN's financial condition.

Hydropower can indeed be developed massively, but that was the storage technology or storage that we must know as the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). We encourage the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and related institutions to develop batteries in the country. I heard that there is an IBC (Indonesian Battery Corporation) that will develop from upstream to downstream. We hope to move quickly and produce environmentally friendly batteries. Later we will pair it with Solar and Wind Power Plants. The goal is that this NRE power plant can replace fossil power plants.

To meet our national electricity supply, how many NRE generators are needed?

In accordance with the 2021-2030 RUPTL, our PLN must build an EBT power plant with a capacity of 21 gigawatts within 10 years. The composition varies, there are PLTS, PLTA, PLTB. We increase the amount of potential that exists in the region to increase the mix of NRE in our electricity.

MKI has also provided views and insights to stakeholders, Commission VII DPR RI, regarding the Bill on EBT. We hope that the government, the DPR, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, if this bill is passed, can become a reference and be implemented by all components. So the law will not lock up, but can accelerate various interests and related parties. Also regarding the EBT Presidential Decree, MKI also provides input so that it is in-line with the EBT Law and becomes a guideline for EBT industry players.

The investment that will go into the construction of this NRE power plant is very large, how do you see this?

MKI's concern with the euphoria of the construction of the NRE power plant has made imported goods out of control. This is a very large investment, in our estimation around Rp. 5000 trillion. Don't let this become an event for imported components to enter Indonesia. MKI encourages the government, business actors to increase their local components. As much as possible domestic industry players can also enjoy.

Is it just an appeal or is there an insistence?

We urge the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Industry, PLN, so that the level of local components in the construction of EBT plants can be increased continuously.

In connection with this green energy, there is news that the Japanese company Sumitomo will invest and build a hydropower plant on the Kayan river, North Kalimantan. In fact, if so, there will be a signature in front of President Jokowi. It means that the potential of NRE is big there, how do you see it?

The intention to build a hydropower plant on the Kayan river in North Kalimantan is very good. There is a large-scale hydropower plant there, reportedly 9 gigawatt potential in the Kayan river. What must be considered is that there must be demand there. If the MKI's suggestion is to build an industry that can absorb the electrical energy produced by the hydropower plant on the Kahan river. I heard that an industrial area has also been opened there which will absorb electrical energy so that it is not wasted. Without the support of the industrial area, this development will not move quickly.

Where can PLTS be an example?

Currently, PLN is in the bidding process for PLTS, the name is the dedieselization program. There are about 200 locations in Indonesia where the PLTD is hybridized with PLTS plus batteries. Hopefully this can be finished soon.

PLN will also shut down several power plants. This means that there must be an electricity supply, what is the solution according to MKI?

It is not possible to immediately turn off the existing PLTU, so there is a transition. The point is that in 2060 there will be no more power plants that emit carbon. Let's control this transition process and be able to make the NZE a success in 2060.

Regarding the PLTU itself, there is even news that Sumitomo will hand over the PLTU in Jepara. So far, PLN has leased 4.8 trillion, this is extraordinary. What concessions were made to the handover?

I heard that there was indeed some kind of discussion between PLN and Sumitomo. Sumitomo will hand over the generator to PLN and they will get a concession to build a hydropower plant in Kayan. This issue is still in the discussion stage. We will also ask PLN for time on how this concept will be implemented. What is the financial scheme and how to build an industrial area there that will absorb electrical energy from hydropower.

What does MKI think about this plan? In our opinion, this is quite good, because it encourages the acceleration of the development of NRE power plants. This is a serious issue and we must deal with it together. Because the increase in the temperature of our earth is already quite alarming, global warming and the greenhouse effect can drown some of the land. Earth and our children and grandchildren are threatened. Our joint task is to build NRE and NZE for the safety of the nation, state and future generations.

These are Wiluyo Kusdwiharto's Tips for Maintaining Health
Menjaga kesehatan kata Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, Ketua Umum MKI perlu disiplin. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
To maintain health, said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, the General Chairperson of the MKI needs discipline. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

It's okay to be busy in the office and organization piling up. However, sports activities must still be carried out. The general chairman of the Indonesian Electricity Society (MKI), Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, is well aware of the importance of exercise for his physical health. Even though he is busy, he makes time to exercise. What are the tips for maintaining health?

Weekends are Wiluyo's favorite time to do sports. "Don't forget to exercise often, so that your fitness and stamina are maintained. I usually go for a morning walk or play golf with relatives. I take the time to exercise,” said the man who was born in Jakarta, July 25, 1971.

In addition to exercise, according to Wiluyo, diet must also be maintained. Not all food, he continued, must be eaten. “People who are my age have to take care of their food intake. Eat rice and sugar intake should be reduced. And what must be increased is the intake of vegetables and fruits and foods that contain high fiber,” he said.

Efforts to reduce the intake of certain foods that are potentially not good for the body, for Wiluyo, are not due to doctors or medical personnel giving an ultimatum to him. This is an awareness from within him so that the body is healthier. "This is my own awareness, yes, because I am not young anymore. Especially for me who is over 50 years old, I need self-awareness and discipline to implement it," said the winner of a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya in 1994.

If the diet is not maintained, he said, it can be troublesome. After that no less important is drinking enough water to help digestion and body metabolism. "White water is very important, you must have enough water intake," he said.

According to him, the discipline of maintaining food intake is the most influential factor in maintaining health. Without discipline, it will be dispersed, coupled with the stress level of work also adds to the burden.

When there is an invitation from a relative for dinner or a meal together, how do you deal with it? “The invitation to eat is okay, because it can improve relationships. The thing to remember is the discipline of maintaining food intake. When there is an invitation to eat, I can still fulfill the invitation, only what is eaten must be chosen. Usually I only eat fruit. Because it's relatively safe. To drink enough water. So the key is discipline,” he said.

Wiluyo Kusdwiharto meniti karier di PLN setelah usai menamatkan kuliah di ITS Surabaya. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Wiluyo Kusdwiharto pursued a career at PLN after completing his studies at ITS Surabaya. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Shortly after completing his studies in Surabaya, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto joined PT PLN (Persero). He started his career at the country's electricity company in 1995. During his career at PLN, Wiluyo has held several important positions including General Manager of PLN UIP VIII between 2013 - 2015, Head of the Sumatra Regional Construction Division in 2015-2017 and Director of Business Sumatra Kalimantan Region 2017 – June 2021. Since June 16, 2021, he has been appointed as Director of Mega Projects and New Renewable Energy of PT PLN.

With such a position, it is not wrong if the pressure of work for Wiluyo is not an easy matter. “No less important is managing stress at work. This must be managed properly. Because the stress factor can affect the health and fitness of the body, "he said.

Regarding this pressure, Wiluyo describes the targets that must be achieved. “Work targets that are not achieved can be a trigger for stress. There can also be pressure from the community. The public's demands are high, they want the electricity to not be turned off. People also demand that the price of electricity per KWH must be cheap, if possible the electricity is green, and so on,” said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto.

But he also believes that the public is now enlightened about the importance of EBT and clean electricity. “Our community is well educated about energy and the need for EBT. Information can be accessed via HP, TV, HP and so on. What they demand is that this clean and green energy can be used more. We encourage electricity business actors to realize the wishes of the people," said the man who completed his Masters in Management at Universiti Tenaga Nasional Malaysia in 2005.

The demands and pressures from the community, even though they are heavy, continued Wiluyo, must still be faced with a positive heart. "If we think positively and have a positive heart, hopefully we can find a good solution for the benefit of the community, nation and state," he said.

Meski sibuk dengan pekerjaan, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto tetap memprioritaskan keluarga. (Foto: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)
Although busy with work, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto still prioritizes family. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Even though he is busy with a lot of work, Wiluyo's family must receive attention. But he put more emphasis on quality than quantity. “Right now, in my opinion, what should be prioritized is the quality of relationships with family members, not quantity. The quality of meetings with children and wives must be improved," said the Chairperson of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI) 2022-2025.

He will make the most of his time with his wife and children, even if it's only for an hour or two. "We have to optimize the time of one or two hours. Intense invites them to eat, chat or go for a walk,” he said.

If this is the case, continued Wiluyo, he is sure that he and his family members will have the energy to support and care for each other. “The key in my opinion is to support each other and the second is mutual understanding. That's what I apply in building relationships with family members even though I am burdened with busy offices and organizations,” explained Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, who still communicates with his wife and children even though they are busy.

“This is a serious issue and we must deal with it together. Because the increase in the temperature of our earth is already quite alarming, global warming and the greenhouse effect can drown some of the land. Earth and our children and grandchildren are threatened. Our joint task is to build NRE and NZE for the safety of the nation, state and future generations.”

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