Have An Old BCA ATM Card? Immediately Change To The Chip Type So As Not To Be Broken
BCA ATM Card (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) urges customers who are still using old-type debit / ATM cards to immediately migrate to cards with chip technology.

Director of BCA Santoso said that the effort was intended to minimize crime in banking transactions.

"The convenience and safety of customers in making transactions is our top priority. For that, we encourage BCA customers to immediately replace their ATM cards with chip-based ATM cards before December 31, 2021, ”he said in a written statement, Saturday, March 6.

Santoso added, there are three main reasons why this policy was enforced by the company. First, the Bank Indonesia monetary authority has made it mandatory for customers to use ATM cards and other banking transaction cards used by customers to have chip technology.

"Since 2015, Bank Indonesia has announced the implementation of a national standard for chip technology and the use of 6 digit PINs for ATM / debit cards issued in Indonesia," he said.

Second, the use of the latest technology is considered effective in reducing the risk of card crime.

"Currently, there are many crimes that occur in the mode of data theft through magnetic stripe on cards or skimming. Magnetic stripe is technologically easier to copy the data when compared to chip cards which are more technologically advanced, "he explained.

Third, the chip debit card has more advantages than the previous card. For information, the bank that is included in the category of the highest level of BUKU IV said that until December 2020, the number of BCA debit cards was recorded at around 22.5 million, of which 18.5 million had migrated using chips.

In addition, this financial service institution affiliated with the Djarum Group at the close of 2020 claimed to have served 25 million customer accounts and processed around 32 million transactions every day supported by 1,248 branch offices, 17,623 ATMs, as well as internet and mobile banking services.

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