YOGYAKARTA - In the world of business or industry, Plan Do Check Act or PDCA is a procedure for solving as well as solving a problem to quality control. This procedure is carried out through 4 stages repeatedly. Do you want to get to know PDCA?

The following procedure is implemented by an industry so that each element complements each other. Well, in this post we will discuss completely what PDCA is.

The Plan do Check Act or PDCA procedure is a management model initiated by Walter Shewhart, an American physicist around 1920. After that it was developed by W. Edwards Deming in the 1950s. Thus, this procedure is also known by the Shewhart cycle, the Deming cycle or the control cycle.

If translated into Indonesian, Plan Do Check Act means planning, work, checking and acting. Meanwhile, make your own understanding, PDCA is a method or management model for the company to make it better.

This method is quite popular and is widely applied by manufacturing companies. The goal is that companies can be free from stagnation and build better systems and protect quality.

Four Phases In PDCA Method

PDCA merupakan tata cara dengan cycle yang terus berulang. PDCA memiliki 4 tahapan, seperti namanya yakni Plan (peplanan), Do (lakukan), Check (mengek) serta Act (aksi). Berikut masing-masing penjelasannya.

1. Plan Stage (planting)

The initial stage of PDCA is a plan, namely a session where the identification of the problem is carried out and designing the right steps to be taken, in order to find a solution to a problem.

In this session, the team will find small steps as an alternative, if the main plan cannot run smoothly. Some of the markers below need to be observed so that the planning goes well, including:

2. Stage Do (do)

The Do stage in PDCA is a trial process. After finalizing the plan and solution, it is time to carry out trials on a small scale. So, it can be seen whether the breakup creates an output that matches the previous plan. You need to pay close attention to each change in the trial process as an evaluation material.

3. Check (checking) Stage

The next stage of the PDCA cycle is to carry out checks. This session has a crucial role and must be observed carefully in order to avoid the same mistakes from happening again in the future.

As the name implies, the Do stage aims to conduct an audit of the execution of the previous draft, whether it is in accordance with the initial plan. The results of the evaluation from stage Do will be discussed at this session, and it is hoped that it will be successfully eliminated. Therefore, it would be better if the review was carried out repeatedly.

4. Stage Act (action)

Action or act is the last stage of the PDCA cycle. in this session, all aspects that have been planned in the previous session have been corrected. So hopefully this is the last step.

After the act stage is deemed successful, the management model that has been designed during the PDCA cycle will become a new standard for the company. However, this procedure will continue to be repeated to protect quality and develop it.

The Right Time To Use PDCA

Although it can be done repeatedly, the implementation of PDCA will be more efficient if implemented at certain times. When is it? Well, some examples of implementation of PDCA in the company are as follows.

Not only that, so that the implementation of PDCA in the company can be more optimal, do not implement it in an emergency. This plan takes an appropriate and long time to produce new, better standards.

In addition, you need to understand whatQuite Filing is so that you can become good employees.

So after getting to know PDCA, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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