Holds People's Savings Party, BRI Encourages MSMEs To Advance In Class
Illustration (Photo: Doc. BRI)

JAKARTA – PT Bank Tabungan Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BRI) is said to have just held the Simpedes People's Party (PRS) last weekend in Karawang, West Java, with a total of 25,000 visitors.

BRI President Director Sunarso said this activity was intended to further facilitate the business activities of MSME players, especially in utilizing digital channels.

“This is a manifestation of our commitment to empowering MSMEs as well as a means of facilitating business actors to improve their business capabilities. We hope that the various assistance and financial literacy efforts that have been carried out can encourage MSMEs to advance to class," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, August 10.

According to Sunarso, the company continues to strengthen services that are more oriented to customer needs.

Sunarso said, through the presence of the BRImo application service, it is believed that MSMEs will go digital.

"The application we have developed allows customers to have borderless coverage who can access financial services anywhere and anytime," he said.

For information, until the second quarter of 2022, BRI's digital services have been used by 18.47 million users or grew 66.3 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the same period in 2021.

Meanwhile, the growth in the number of transactions and sales volume of BRImo in the second quarter of 2022 managed to increase triple digits with 726.4 million transactions.

This result then brought in fee base income of Rp724.2 billion.

“Our digital application was developed to be able to connect to various digital ecosystems. Through this strategy, BRImo can become a one stop solution for various customer financial service needs," concluded BRI President Director Sunarso.

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