JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR RI Netty Prasetiyani wants a middle way solution to overcome the demands for an increase in the Regency/City Minimum Wage and Provincial Minimum Wage in 2022.

"There must be a middle ground between the demands of workers, the interests of entrepreneurs/companies and economic conditions during the COVID-19 period," said Netty Prasetiyani in a press statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 30.

Netty said that the increase in wages was also considered important to maintain people's purchasing power.

In addition, said this member of the DPR from the PKS faction, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the aspect of decent living needs (KHL) for the Indonesian people must be considered.

He said, although the regulation on determining the minimum wage has been changed using PP 36 of 2021 which is a derivative of the Job Creation Law, the government needs to find a middle way between the demands of workers, the interests of companies, and entrepreneurs.

The existence of this middle ground, he continued, would be crucial for the wheels of the Indonesian economy to keep turning, given that people's purchasing power is affected by rising wages.

Previously, the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) expected the district/city minimum wage (UMK) in 2022 to increase by around seven to 10 percent taking into account the increase in basic needs based on a survey they conducted.

"The KHL survey in the market in each province found an average increase of seven percent to 10 percent. Therefore, we ask for the 2022 UMK to apply an increase of seven percent to 10 percent," said KSPI President Said Iqbal in a virtual press conference attended from Jakarta, Monday (25/10).

Said explained that the reason for the expected increase in the number was because a survey conducted by KSPI in 24 provinces using a decent living standard (KHL), found an increase in KHL goods of around seven to 10 percent.

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