JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that in developing a sharia economy it is necessary to absorb the moral principles contained in it.

According to him, sharia economics which is sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith has the principles of monotheism, balance, justice, freedom, and responsibility, brotherhood, and humanity.

"These values are universal values that aim to realize the benefit of the universe or well being for all," he said virtually at the opening of The 1st Islamic Economics Education Summit (IEES), Thursday, October 28.

The Minister of Finance revealed that sharia principles already have their own mechanism to avoid economic actors from losses and uncertainties.

"Instrumentally, Islamic economics seeks to achieve justice by avoiding elements of exploitation and injustice or often technically called usury. Here we also avoid the elements of speculation and gambling. These are elements that can have a negative impact on the economic activities of a country which are forbidden according to Islamic law,” he said.

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