JAKARTA - Startup company PT Pahami Cipta Edukasi (Pahamify) carried out social actions in the form of educating the public regarding the importance of maintaining health protocols, especially when school activities resumed.

Pahamify's Chief Operating Officer (COO) Mohammad Ikhsan said this step is a form of concern for students who are also the company's market share in developing business.

“We continue to reinforce our commitment through various useful activities aimed at students, teachers, and parents. This time, in order to welcome the implementation of Face-to-face Learning (PTM) in schools, Pahamify tries to educate the public on the importance of maintaining health protocols," he said in a press statement quoted on Tuesday, October 26.

According to Ikhsan, health is now a priority for everyone. He said, even though it has entered its second year, it cannot be denied that COVID-19 is still a concern in itself.

"Children's preparation for PTM must be carried out optimally, ensuring maximum protection for children," he said.

On the same occasion, the Government Spokesperson for COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, limited PTM can be carried out with the terms and conditions that apply. He reminded that the main thing is that teachers and teaching staff must be fully vaccinated before schools open.

"Schools must also apply strict health protocol discipline, starting from maintaining distance, preparing hand washing places, spraying disinfectants regularly, and others," he said.

Reisa also explained that every school must also continue to facilitate distance learning methods so that children can choose whether they want to study online.

"Not only schools, children must also be given an understanding that taking care of themselves to avoid COVID-19 is an obligation that must continue to be carried out," he stressed.

For information, the activities carried out by Pahamify are a series of education that will be held until November 13, 2021. It is noted that a number of competent names will be resource persons for this social action, such as Kak Seto Mulyadi, Donna Agnesia, and Psychologist Fathya Arta.

Meanwhile, Pahamify itself is an educational technology company (edutech) that is a provider of digital learning content reaching tens of thousands of materials. This application is claimed to have been downloaded more than 1 million times through the AppStore and Google Play.

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