JAKARTA – Former high-ranking PT Bank Asia Pacific (Aspac) Setiawan Harjono is known to be absent from the summons for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Task Force (BLBI) on Thursday, September 9, 2021.

This assurance was conveyed directly by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Bernadette Yuliasari when confirmed by the editor.

"Not present," he answered firmly to VOI, Friday, September 10.

In her statement, Deta, Bernadette's nickname, said that Setiawan Harjono was a BLBI obligor from Aspak Bank with a debt value of more than Rp3.57 trillion.

Just so you know, Setiawan's summons on Thursday also coincided with the summons of Hendrawan Harjono in the same case. However, both of them chose not to fulfill the call of the BLBI Task Force.

Setiawan Harjono, who is also known as a besan of Setya Novanto, said the task force team had two addresses.

First, at Peninsula Plaza, North Bridge Road, Singapore. And the second is on Jalan H. Agus Salim Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Meanwhile Hendrawan Harjono is also domiciled in Singapore, precisely at Shenton Way, SGX Center 2, and in Menteng, Central Jakarta.

For the absences of Setiawan and Hendrawan Harjono, the BLBI Task Force will take more decisive follow-up actions.

"In the event that you do not fulfill the obligation to settle state collection rights, action will be taken as stipulated in the legislation," said the BLBI Task Force.

As previously reported, the value of state losses on the central bank's bailout funds that occurred 22 years ago reached Rp110.45 trillion. Until now, the government still bears the burden of repaying the principal loan to BI along with the interest.

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