JAKARTA - Selling a used car or buying a used car should be done on a trustworthy platform. This is to avoid fraud or future losses, whether good or not for the seller or the party who bought the used car. One of the right platforms for buying and selling used cars is mobil88.

Mobil88 provides a variety of interesting features and services. This platform is suitable if you want to get a used car of the highest quality.

In this pandemic era, using a used car is the right way out if you are going, because public transportation can be a medium of transmission of the COVID-19 virus if you don't apply good health protocols.

Private car transportation is seen as safer because you can minimize physical contact with other people. Choosing a used car is not without reason, you can get a more pocket-friendly price, easy to maintain the car and its engine, so it is easy to make purchases and marketing in the future.

If you use the mobil88 platform to carry out the process of selling a used car or buying it, you will get several benefits. Mobil88's favorite service right now is the COD service, where this service will make it easier for loyal consumers to buy or sell cars according to current health protocols.

Here are a variety of favorite services at mobil88:

1. Flexible place to buy

If you are going to buy or sell a used car that you own, you don't have to work hard to come to the showroom. Because you can use the COD service, one of which is the transaction processing feature that can be carried out flexibly. You can choose the place or location of the meeting point of purchase, it can be at your home or at another predetermined place.

Not only using the meet up point to make transactions, you can also use this service to check the condition of the vehicle before it is purchased. Inspection not only on the car body, but on the condition of the engine. A test drive can be done if you use the following service features.

2. The appointment process is easier

After that, regarding the appointment process to do a car sale and purchase agreement. As in the beginning, you don't need to come to the showroom or to the mobil88 office, you just need to use the online service provided. There are two media options for making an appointment with mobil88 staff, namely:

- Using the web, there is a live chat that you can use directly to contact staff and process appointments.

- Using the mobil88 application that is already on the Play Store or App Store. In that application you can use the direct conversation feature with mobil88.

By using an online process to make appointments with consumers, of course you can make car sales and purchases in a shorter time.

3. Complete car stock on the web

Another convenience that you will get is to see the existing car stock when you are going to buy a used car. No need to bother asking for brochures to the office or attending the mobil88 showroom, just open the web and existing applications. The details of the used car in it are complete, from the price, the condition of the car body, to the engine used.

4. Inspection from home

Inspection from home is a feature when a user makes a request to sell a car at mobil88, so when the user makes an appointment, the Mobil88 Appraisal (inspector) team will come to check the condition of the car you want to sell at the place and date you have set.

No need to report promotions here and there to sell your used car, because there will be a team of inspectors who want to check the condition of your car.

Such are the services offered by mobil88 for the process of buying and selling used cars. You don't need to hesitate to take advantage of the following platforms, to buy and sell cars, because there are already the most trusted web and applications.

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