JAKARTA - The Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province has proposed seven locations of nature reserves along the coast that have become recreational areas, as leading tourist attractions in this area.

"Currently officers are taking the coordinates of seven beach locations in the nature reserve to be proposed as a leading tourist attraction to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," said Head of the Mukomuko Regency Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Apriansyah, in Mukomuko, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 23.

His party proposed reducing the status of the nature reserve area which had already been used as a recreation area into a natural tourism park (TWA) to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

He said that from the first letter submitted there was an improvement because the ministry asked for the total area of the beach location in the proposed nature reserve to be a tourist attraction to be included in the proposal letter.

The ministry, he said, asked that the proposal letter be attached to a map of the location of the coast in the proposed nature reserve, for example, the Rami Dua Water Nature Reserve in this area wanting to cultivate several hectares.

"The coordinates are plotted in the nature reserve, so the location of the location must be clear, what the needs of this area are, it must be plotted, not the entire nature reserve area," he said.


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To that end, it re-submitted the proposal. The office will post the coordinates so that the center can monitor from the satellite the location of the proposed nature reserve.

In addition, he said, the purpose of determining the coordinates of the location of the beach in the proposed nature reserve to become a tourist attraction, so that there is no shift in location.

He said the plan is for seven beach locations within the nature reserve area, starting from Air Rami to the residential units of 10 Rawa Bangun Villages which are proposed to become tourist attractions in this area.

His party plans to propose the use of each location on the seven beaches in the nature reserve covering an area of 20 hectares each.

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