JAKARTA - The Director General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban ensured that the development plan for the State Capital (IKN) in Kalimantan is still in progress.

"Basically, IKN is still being discussed between the relevant ministries. We are also preparing legislation with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas,” he said, Friday, August 20.

Rionald added that the government is currently looking for the best source of financing for the agenda.

"Some of the things that are the focus are how to finance and also about the arrangement of this IKN," he said.

For information, the preparation for the transfer of IKN has been listed in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). This agenda itself includes the construction of new government administration facilities in IKN as well as economic activity generating activities for IKN and its surroundings.

The preparation for IKN development is adjusted to the national vaccination program which is carried out in stages, with a target of 181.55 million people to achieve herd immunity.

IKN development is also designed as one of the national economic recovery strategies after the pandemic. Based on the stages of IKN development, the development target until 2024 includes the construction of KIPP with supporting facilities and infrastructure.

However, recently the plan to move the Indonesian capital to East Kalimantan was hampered due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation that was spreading in the country so that the government inevitably had to concentrate on national health issues.

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