JAKARTA - The Logistics Affairs Agency's (Bulog) Supply Chain Director Mokhamad Suyamto ensured that the stock of rice intended for PPKM assistance to Beneficiary Families in all warehouses throughout Indonesia was in adequate condition.

"We have prepared rice stocks according to the provisions to be distributed to Beneficiary Families as part of PPKM assistance, the quality of the rice is guaranteed to be 100 percent good," he said in a press statement as quoted on Thursday, August 19.

Suyamto who accompanied the Presidential Staff Office Team (KSP) also emphasized that his party had appointed and cooperated with PT Pos Indonesia and PT DNR to distribute PPKM rice assistance to Beneficiary Families.

"Like the Bulog Warehouse, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, everything is ready to be distributed," he said.

On the same occasion, Deputy III of the KSP Team Panutan S. Sulendrakusuma revealed that his visit to the rice to rice machine in the Kelapa Gading complex was intended to encourage the acceleration of aid distribution to the community.

"So far, it is certain that there are no fundamental problems, I also see the quality of the rice is good, but we hope that Bulog can guarantee the availability of supplies so that they are received properly and quickly in the hands of the residents," he said.

Separately, the KSP Expert for the Ministry of SOEs, Wisnu Aji Nugroho, who led the inspection of the KSP Team to the West Sumatra Region, said that the monitoring carried out in a number of areas would be used as assessment and evaluation material in a limited meeting of the PPKM evaluation by the President.

"We have received an explanation from the West Sumatra Bulog starting from the absorption of the latest rice from farmers, processing, to distribution in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia," said Wisnu.

Based on data released by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the Bulog rice aid program will reach 28.8 million families with 10 kg each per family. Meanwhile, the budget allocation prepared for this program is Rp3.58 trillion which is included in the National Economic Recovery or PEN scheme.

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