JAKARTA - Researcher from the University of Indonesia's Institute for Economic and Community Research (LPEM UI) Muhammad Hanri said there were more than 100,000 cinema workers who were affected by the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM), especially in the Java-Bali region.

In detail, he mentioned 63,150 of them are cinema workers in the Java-Bali area. While the other 39,310 people are workers in other areas.

"This condition of restriction affects workers who work in certain places, especially workers in shopping centers/malls/trade centers who are included in locations that can cause crowds or crowds, including cinemas," he said in a webinar, Wednesday, August 4.

In fact, Hanri revealed that there are around 3.2 million mall or shop-house workers who have the potential to lose their livelihoods due to the determination of PPKM.

From this estimate, the majority of workers are male with 63 percent working in malls/ruko and 77.93 percent working in cinemas. Meanwhile, when viewed from the last education completed, both workers in malls / shop houses and cinemas are the majority of graduates of Vocational High School (SMK) followed by high school graduates (SMA)," he said.

Then, the majority of workers are in urban areas, each of which is 88.53 percent for workers in malls/ruko and 77.28 percent for workers in cinemas. Meanwhile, the cities/districts with the most workers come from Greater Jakarta and Bandung, which are areas with relatively high shopping centers compared to other cities/regencies.

"Therefore, these areas are expected to have quite a large number of workers affected by Emergency PPKM," he said.

"Only about 10 percent of workers in malls / shop houses / cinemas are relatively less affected because they may not be paid daily (high-skilled white-collar workers)," concluded Hanri.

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