JAKARTA - With all its might to survive the COVID-19 pandemic, Lion Air finally could not avoid the choice of laying off employees. Corporate Communications Strategic of Lion Air Group, Danang Mandala Prihantoro said as many as 25 percent-35 percent of the total 23 thousand employees were laid off, or about 8,000 people would be laid off.

Through a written statement, Lion Air (JT flight code), Wings Air (IW flight code), Batik Air (flight ID code) members of the Lion Air Group provide information that during the COVID-19 pandemic alert period, they have tried to adapt to business through steps. -corporate strategic steps. Lion Air Group is also exploring opportunities, and has a serious future business view that in the future this aviation market will still exist and will become a strong growth center.

Lion Air Group continues to operate in stages, operating an average of 10-15% of its previous normal capacity (before the Covid-19 pandemic), which is an average of 1,400 flights per day.

This condition makes the income very minimal. Meanwhile, Lion Air has financial commitments that must be fulfilled, resulting in travel restrictions and a temporary reduction in operational frequency on certain flight routes and the costs that must be borne are still quite large. A recovery and reorientation scheme is adopted to maintain business continuity and put the business in the right sector.

"Market conditions and the number of passengers have decreased, resulting in the fact that the number of flying frequencies has also decreased. Due to these conditions, the number of work production with human resources is not calculated according to calculations (not comparable / unbalanced)," wrote Danang Mandala Prihantoro in a release. received by VOI,

Therefore, within the required period of time, Lion Air Group announced the reduction of the workforce by laying off employees (status without termination of employment / layoffs) according to the workload (load) in each unit, which is approximately 25%-35% of employees of 23,000 employees. As long as they (employees) are laid off.

"Lion Air Group will try to help provide support for living expenses according to the company's ability. During the stay, virtual (online) training will be held according to their respective sections (units). This decision is valid until further notice," he added.

This tough decision was taken with the main aim of effective and efficient concentration, in line with maintaining a sustainable business and maintaining the company, streamlining company operations, reducing expenses and restructuring the organization in the midst of flight operational conditions that have not returned to normal due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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