JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) cooperates with a British state university, Nottingham University, in the context of accelerating the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

The collaboration has been started since May 6, 2021 by the Road Transportation Safety Polytechnic (PKTJ), which is one of the universities under the management of the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMP).

“I fully support the collaboration with one of the universities in developed countries. This needs to be done in our efforts to accelerate the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia," said Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi in the webinar "Safer Electric Vehicles", quoted by Antara, Friday, July 30.

Budi Karya said, following the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Acceleration Program, the Ministry of Transportation together with Nottingham University has held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on safer electric vehicles.

"From the FGD, a policy brief on electric vehicles has been produced which includes the importance of battery components, battery charging systems and standards, technical and roadworthiness requirements, regulations, inspectors' competence, battery recycling or waste management systems and handling and mitigating electric vehicle accidents," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation revealed that the development of electric vehicles must be carried out with careful and detailed considerations, with a predetermined time period.

“This is important because there are still several components and systems in electric vehicles that have the potential to pose a risk of fire and accidents. In the development of electric vehicles, aspects of safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness need to be considered," he said.

The Minister of Transportation explained the importance of competent human resources in the field of transportation, especially in the field of land transportation, to ensure that every electric vehicle operated on the road meets the technical requirements and is roadworthy.

"While the development of electric vehicles continues to be processed, the government is also starting to formulate related regulations and at the same time educational institutions can also prepare a training system," he said.

The Minister of Transportation continues to encourage good cooperation between parties, namely from industry, research institutions, the community and also the government in an effort to accelerate the implementation of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

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