JAKARTA - The wage subsidy or BSU program prepared by the government will soon be distributed. The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, today received data from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan as a reference for recipients of one of these stimuli.
According to Ida, for the first phase, assistance will be given to as many as one million worker data submitted by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, out of the total estimated total recipients of 8.7 million workers.
The amount of the subsidy received by the recipient is IDR 500,000 per month for two months for each worker. Aid will be distributed at once Rp1 million.
"The amount of data that was completed today, we start with 1 million prospective BSU recipients out of an estimated 8.7 million workers will receive. The data for 1 million prospective BSU recipients will then be checked, screened by the Ministry of Manpower to ensure the suitability of the data format and avoid duplication of data ," he said in a virtual press conference, Friday, July 30.
The following are the requirements for receiving a salary subsidy of Rp. 500 thousand:
1. Indonesian citizen (WNI) as evidenced by a population identification number (NIK).
2. Registered as a worker social security participant who is still active in BPJS Employment and proven by a membership card number until June 2021.
3. Have a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million. provided that the worker or laborer who works in an area with a provincial or district/city minimum wage is greater than Rp3.5 million, then the salary or wage requirement is at most the UMP or district/city rounded up to a full hundreds of thousands.
4. Work in PPKM level 3 and 4 areas set by the government.
5. Preferably work in the consumer goods industry, transportation, various industries, property and real estate, trade and services, except education and health. According to the classification of sector data in BPJS Employment.
6. Have a state-owned bank account either incorporated in Himbara, namely BNI, BRI, Mandiri and BTN. As for the Aceh region, it is the Indonesian Sharia Bank (BSI).
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