JAKARTA - A figure from Gusdurian Alissa Wahid expressed his appreciation to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut B. Pandjaitan for his apology a few days ago, regarding the evaluation of the implementation of the Emergency PPKM which was considered not maximal in reducing the number of COVID-19 transmissions.

According to Alissa, the attitude of the knight is very wise and important for a state official to do.

"This is what the community has been waiting for," he said in a written statement as quoted on Tuesday, July 20.

According to the eldest of former President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Emergency PPKM, the involvement of public and religious leaders is very important.

This is considered very useful to invite people to care and want to prevent the transmission of the pandemic virus.

"Our proposal is to involve religious and public figures. This has not been maximally involved. In villages, it is necessary to approach religious leaders to the community," he said.

On the same occasion, Coordinating Minister Luhut revealed that in decision-making and planning in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, many parties always involved, including various regional campuses in Indonesia.

He also hopes that all parties will participate and help the government and invite the public to continue to obey health protocols.

"Believe us, we can do the best, we can do it. There must be a shortage, but with the input of my friends, I really appreciate it," he said.

As is known, President Joko Widodo appointed Coordinating Minister Luhut as Coordinator of Emergency PPKM for Java and Bali which is currently being implemented by the government.

In a virtual press conference on Saturday, July 17, Luhut apologized for the non-optimal emergency PPKM. This is based on the rate of COVID-19 cases which is still in a high trend, which is above 50,000 cases per day.

This statement is also the end of Luhut's steadfast attitude, which often narrates that the spread of the pandemic is under controlled conditions.

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