JAKARTA - Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) senior economist Enny Sri Hartati died at 19.45 at Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital, Jakarta.

Enny was reportedly confirmed positive for COVID-19 and self-isolated for a week at home. However, on Wednesday (30/6) his condition worsened and he had to be taken to the hospital.

"Yesterday, the deceased's saturation was low, she was taken to the ICU of RSI Pondok Kopi. It was difficult to get oxygen cylinders, after being assisted by colleagues, they finally managed to get oxygen cylinders, then the saturation began to improve," said Indef researcher Abra Talattov, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 1.

Enny served as the Executive Director of Indef from 2010 to 2019. The woman who was born in Karanganyar, Central Java, July 27, 1971, is known as an economist who is friendly and close to journalists.

He often becomes a resource person on various television stations, economic seminars, talk shows, radio, and also actively writes columns and opinions in many media, both newspapers and online media.

Enny also often does not hesitate to criticize various economic policies issued by the government.

Condolences continue to be sent by journalists in the WhatsApp group together with Indef economists.

"We still don't believe it. Early this morning the deceased was still replying to WA in the Indef group," said Abra.

Previously, Enny was a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Trisakti University from 1996 to 2011 and an expert staff member of Commission X DPR RI from 2007 to 2010.

Enny holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Diponegoro University and a doctoral degree at the Bogor Agricultural Institute for the Agricultural Economics Study Program with a concentration in development economics.

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