JAKARTA - Chairman of Kadin Rosan Roeslani in the presence of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he was optimistic that national economic growth would lead to a positive zone of 7 percent in the second quarter of 2021. As is known, in the first quarter of 2021, the Indonesian economy will still contract by 0.7 percent.

"We believe that economic growth in the second quarter can reach 7 percent and continue to grow again. So that Indonesia can come out victorious in the face of COVID-19," he said at the VIII Kadin National Conference, Wednesday, June 30.

Furthermore, Rosan said, Kadin is always ready to contribute to the country. Because, his party realizes that the challenge of COVID-19 is not only the duty of the state but the duty of all parties. This includes entrepreneurs.

"This is the duty of all of us, we must join hands to face this. We are the business world, Mr. President, always think positively and believe that we will continue to move. Because we believe there is always light in the middle of a long tunnel," he said.

Moreover, said Rosan, his belief is also supported by the policies issued by the government. However, unfortunately Rosan did not elaborate further.

"President's policies that really have a positive impact, which we feel, are not only for the health sector but also for the economy we live in," he explained.

This economic recovery effort, said Rosan, is also supported by a national vaccination program. Kadin continues to run the Gotong Royong vaccination program as part of the national vaccination program. The goal is to achieve herd immunity.

"Vaccine is the key to how we are healthy. How can we go forward to maintain health, as well as our performance can grow. I read thank God our vaccine is one of the best in the world, we have reached 40 million people (cumulatively)," he said. .

On the same occasion, President Jokowi said that Indonesia was ranked 11th out of 215 countries in terms of COVID-19 vaccination. According to him, this position is a good achievement.

Furthermore, Jokowi said vaccination was one of the keys to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 while at the same time restoring the post-pandemic economy.

"If we look at the world, there are more than 215 countries that have been affected by Covid. In terms of vaccination, Indonesia is in 11th place. It's quite good," said Jokowi.

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