JAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government (Pemkot) has asked street vendors (PKL) in Malioboro, especially culinary traders, to list the prices of food sold clearly and not to trap consumers.

"What tourists or consumers understand when buying food is food in a complete package. For example, buying pecel catfish, of course what is expected is complete with rice, fresh vegetables and chili sauce," said Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Saturday. May 29.

Therefore, continued Heroe, the prices listed on the food menus sold by street vendors (PKL) in the Malioboro area should have been made into a complete food menu package.

"Traders can still offer to buyers if they want additional catfish or other side dishes, additional vegetables, chili sauce, or rice, of course they will be given their own prices," he said.

According to him, the input is intended as an effort to improve and improve services to tourists or consumers in the Malioboro area, especially after the viral complaints from tourists about the price of catfish pecel which is considered quite expensive and unreasonable.

For tourists who have unpleasant experiences while traveling in the Malioboro area, they can directly submit a complaint to Jogoboro or the security officers in the area.

"Jogoboro officers are on guard 24 hours at Malioboro. They can help if there are problems, including if there are street vendors who give unreasonable prices," he said.

Later, he said, at each gate located in each zone in the Malioboro area, information regarding the complaint service will be posted.

"Officers at the gate can also serve if there are complaints," he said.

Heroe also gave his appreciation to the traders who refused to sue the uploader of the catfish pecel case which was viral on social media.

"Tourists who come do not understand whether they are eating at Malioboro or Jalan Representative. They only know if they are in the Malioboro area," he said.

For the case that had gone viral, Heroe hopes that the entire community in the Malioboro area will use it as an introspection and valuable lesson to improve services to tourists. "How to serve and communicate well with tourists," he said.

Meanwhile, for traders who are suspected of selling food at unreasonable prices, namely on Jalan Representative, Heroe said they are still checking and verifying the findings in the field.

"On the street there are seven stalls selling catfish pecel. Four shops and three lesehans. We are still cross-checking," he said.

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