JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) will hold a general chairman election for the 2021-2026 period. There are two names that appear in the stock exchange for candidates for general chairman of Kadin, namely Anindya Bakrie and her opponent Arsjad Rasjid. However, the schedule for the national deliberations (Munas VIII for the election of the general chairman was postponed to 30 June.

Then, how is Arsjad Rasjid's preparation for the National Conference?

Kadin General Chair candidate Arsjad Rasjid said he accepted any decision by Kadin Chairman Rosan Roeslani regarding the postponement of the schedule for the election of a new general chairman. According to him, this decision must be respected. Even so, Arsjad said he was ready whenever the congress was held.

The National Conference was supposed to be held on June 2-4 in Nusa Dua, Bali. However, the schedule has been pushed back to June 30. The location of the National Conference will also be moved to Kendari.

"God willing, our readiness is ripe and optimal. My journey so far to stay in touch around Indonesia has been very fruitful. Because I can add a lot of relatives and family from all provinces and regions of Indonesia," he told VOI, Friday, May 28.

Arsjad claimed to have received a lot of support from the results of safaris to regions and sowan to a number of figures.

"God willing, we have received a lot of support from various Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and associations. Because we don't just talk about promises, but speak with conscience and evidence," he said.

As is known, there are two names that appear in the stock exchange for candidates for general chairman of Kadin 2021-2026, namely Anindya Bakrie and her opponent Arsjad Rasjid.

Anindya Bakrie is the President Director of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. He has been in the Kadin management for a dozen years. Anin is also the son of conglomerate Aburizal Bakrie who once led Kadin.

Meanwhile, Arsjad Rasjid is the President Director of PT Indika Energy Tbk. Indika Energy is a national integrated energy company owned by conglomerate Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono.

Within the Indika Energy Group, Arsjad previously served as a member of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in various companies such as PT Kideco Jaya Agung which is engaged in coal, PT Tripatra Engineers & Contractors- an oil and gas EPC (engineering procurement and construction) company, PT Petrosea Tbk- mining contractor, and PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk. Marine logistics company.

Unlike Anindya, who has been in the management of Kadin for a long time, Arsjad has only been involved in the management of the employers' organization for the last two years.

Deputy Chairperson of Kadin Suryani Motik said that both Anindya and Arsjad had strong positions in the election market for the General Chair of Kadin. Anindya benefited from her longer organizational position at Kadin.

In fact, continued Suryani, currently Anindya is still holding a high management position at Kadin. So it is more profitable because it has been in Kadin for a long time so it is better known.

"Pak Arsjad and Pak Anindya are both strong. But Pak Anin clearly has a more favorable position because he is the Deputy Chair for Organization and has been in Kadin for a long time, so he is better known," said Suryani.

Meanwhile, Arsjad Rasjid, even though he has only been involved in the management of Kadin in the last two years, has a strong background as the boss of Indika Energy. Because, for the business world his name is very familiar.

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