JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that tax receipts until the close of April 2021 amounted to Rp374.9 trillion. The achievement was 30.94 percent of the target tax receipts in the State Budget (APBN) 2021 of Rp1,229.6 trillion.

Furthermore, the Minister of Finance explained that until the beginning of the second quarter of 2021 the tax levy is still contracting for the whole year.

"This growth is still in a negative figure of 0.46 percent," he said in a speech inaugurating the Organization and New Work Procedure of Vertical Agencies Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) virtually, Monday, May 24.

Nevertheless, compared to last year the current growth has been better. The reason, as of April 2020 tax receipts are at minus 3 percent.

"Here we can see that there is a change in direction towards recovery," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that almost all types of taxes indicate a recovery even though not in all sectors. However, there are some sectors considered to be in good condition.

"As for PPh the body has grown 31.1 percent, this is a very high number. In addition, there are also still pressures such as for domestic VAT. Although grossly grew 6.4 percent to illustrate the underlying transaction rose," he said.

To support efforts to increase state revenues, continued the Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxation conducted evaluation and improvement of the organization with tax reform and reorganization.

This policy is expected to maximize the role of the government in increasing state revenues and encouraging structural reforms of the real sector that are key to national economic recovery.

"Reform is not always easy and never easy. I hope the momentum of reform in the field of organization and governance complements us in reforming the overall tax in Indonesia," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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