JAKARTA - Pertamina is said to have operated the One Price BBM policy at 243 points throughout Indonesia. This step is a follow-up to the government's direction to expand the distribution of energy, especially in underdeveloped, frontier and outermost (3T) areas.

Pertamina Corporate Secretary Patra Niaga Putut Andriatno said One Price Fuel is the company's commitment to realizing energy use opportunities for the community.

"The presence of One Price Fuel is expected to facilitate access to energy at an affordable price so that it can boost productivity and regional economic growth," he said in a statement, Thursday, May 20.

Putut added that in 2021 Pertamina, through Sub Holding Commercial & Trading, is again believed to be ready to operate 76 additional One Price fuel points to realize equitable energy. Until May 17, 2021, Pertamina is ready to test the operation of 26 points of One Price BBM, which means that until now the total has reached 269 total points ready to serve the public.

"During the pandemic, we continue to move to accelerate the construction of the One Price BBM point. Our target of 500 points of One Price Fuel in 2024 can be achieved, ”added Putut.

In order to smooth the plan, the state-owned oil and gas company uses all modes of transportation, whether land, air, sea or river. Pertamina said that energy distribution management is very concerned about as an anticipation so that energy in One Price Fuel is always available.

"We will continue this mandate. Pertamina's job is to ensure the availability and access of affordable energy for the community, ”concluded Putut.

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