JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked his staff to strengthen the transformation of the green economy. Because according to him, world development is leading to a green economy.

Therefore, Indonesia must also be able to take advantage of it so that Indonesia is not left behind and can compete with other countries. Moreover, said Jokowi, as one of the countries with the world's largest lungs, Indonesia can benefit greatly from its tropical forests and mangrove forests.

"That is why the energy transformation towards new and renewable energy must be started. Green economy, green technology and green products must be strengthened so that we can compete in the global market," he said at the opening of the 2021 National Development Planning Conference, which was held at the State Palace. Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 4.

In addition, Jokowi asked that the power in the blue economy should continue to be utilized. According to him, Indonesia is one of the countries with the richest marine diversity.

Not only that, the former mayor of Solo also encouraged the people's welfare to remain in line with preserving nature and sustainable production.

"Sustainable blue economy must be an agenda that must be prioritized in all our coastal areas," he said.

Not only that, Jokowi also wants Indonesia's economic growth to grow inclusively. According to him, this is important for solving the problem of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

"Economic growth must be an engine for equitable development and economic justice, both between regions and between villages and cities," he said.

To achieve this inclusiveness, said Jokowi, economic growth must also be able to increase the capacity or class of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) entrepreneurs.

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